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SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust Entrust Root Certification Authority

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  • SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust Entrust Root Certification Authority

This particular error: SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust Entrust Root Certification Authority is related directly to the Citrix Workspace app. In this case I was troubleshooting a remote connection to a medical facility that uses CernerWorks / PowerChart, in order to view MRI Scans. Even though some SSL Certificates on the Server side may have been changed or renewed, computers already accessing the facility were OK, but newer computers spit out this error.

The Fix

  1. Make sure to have the latest version of Citrix. Citrix Receiver is an outdated product and has been replaced by the Citrix Workspace app. If you are having problems removing the old Citrix Receiver, look into the Citrix Receiver desktop clean-up utility.
  2. After completing Step 1, restart your computer and make sure to close all web browsers.
    Download and install the Entrust Root Certification Authority and perform the install by double clicking on the .cer file after download (see below).
    After completing the installation of the Certificate, try re-launching your web application.

Test the Install

You may test the install by going to: