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Why are Flight Simulators and their components expensive?

This video focuses on explaining how Flight Simulators can be so expensive, and does so by dissecting simulator gear and going over pricing for the basic components. When analyzing several components, we start with products from Logitech, such as the Pro Flight Switch Panel. These pre-built components are very popular and are usually the first […]

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Useful tips for building a better Flight Simulator

This video focuses on sharing knowledge from the real world of Aviation that was applied to flight simulators, in order to enhance the experience that a user may have with Flight Simulator 2020, FSX, X-Plane and prepar3D.Direct YouTube Link: Summary:

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Building a Cockpit for Avionics Training

Knowing your Avionics is a big part of enjoying your Flight Simulator. I built a simple Home Cockpit, compatible with prepar3d, X-Plane, Flight Simulator, and Flight Simulator X, in which I could load many different types of Avionics and Gauges for familiarization. The first step was to obtain the Cockpit Panel. Since this was a […]

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Citation Mustang Full Desktop Trainer

Building the Flight Simulator program at the Florida Flight Center has taken me in some adventures that have greatly challenged me as a programmer, hardware engineer, cockpit builder, researcher, and aviation enthusiast. One of my first assignments was to assemble a familiarization trainer for the Citation Mustang as a part of our CE-510 Type rating […]

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Gaming PCs for Pilots

Over 20 years of research goes into all the Workstations, Home PCs and Gaming PCs that we build. Knowing a thing or two about Aviation also helps us deliver the best experience with home Flight Simulators. In this particular setup, a real Cirrus SR22T pilot wanted to practice procedures in a G1000 Trainer. A second […]

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