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energy consumption

Energy Usage Research on Computer Power Supplies

Although there are many articles and published papers on energy consumption related to computer equipment, it’s almost impossible to find detailed specifications of this equipment. Here, you will find both: actual measurements (not averages or estimates) and also the specifications of the devices, which can help with comparison and identification. Please note: More devices are […]

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Energy Usage Research on Laptops and MacBooks

Information Although there are many articles and published papers on energy consumption related to computer equipment and electronic devices, it’s almost impossible to find detailed or exact energy usage profiles based on environment, type of use and specifications. Here, you will find both: actual measurements (not averages or estimates) and also the specifications of the […]

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Energy Usage Research on Desktop Computers

Information Although there are many articles and published papers on energy consumption related to computer equipment and electronic devices, it’s almost impossible to find detailed or exact energy usage profiles based on environment, type of use and specifications. Here, you will find both: actual measurements (not averages or estimates) and also the specifications of the […]

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